Be in Vain / 徒勞作為一種方法




I use time-consuming and mentally, financially exhausting craftsmanship techniques to produce, repair, and process these daily items or fragments of daily items.

A table that is time-consuming and material-consuming to make, but not practical and has a soft, sagging surface; a pottery basin that can no longer hold water, repaired using the laborious Kintsugi technique; repeatedly applying raw lacquer to preserve cheap, dead plants; coating inexpensive longan charcoal with expensive raw lacquer and polishing it, yet the lamp remains clumsily close to being useful; collecting wild Miscanthus seeds from the mountains and carefully storing them in high-grade glass boxes; excessively long, solid cypress wood chair slats. All these actions are futile in terms of the functionality and value of the objects.

There is a gap between all the effort I put in and the missions these objects can fulfill. But I believe that gap will return to the objects in another form: it transforms into a kind of poetry, returning to the objects. In short, futile production efforts can yield poetry, becoming a methodology of poetry.